ESP Security Maturity Model

ESP Security Maturity Model

Don't be complacent. Your traditional anti-virus and firewall setup won't ensure your organization's security. Leverage the power of the Elemental Security Platform and show initiative to your managers, auditors, and other stakeholders by enhancing your organization's layered defenses through automatic deployement, monitoring and enforcement of security policies.

Elemental and its enterprise software technology can accompany your organization from a minimum security level to another, all the way to an optimized risk informed security and compliance assurance profile or security level. Adopting, implementing and monitoring a cyber security industry standard or regulatory compliance framework might seem daunting, but Elemental makes it easy, fast, and cost effective for you, your staff and your organization.

Do you recognize your organization's security profile in one of the security levels identified below? If that is the case, then consider Elemental to be your Partner and help enhance your security profile:

ESP Security Maturity Levels

ESP-Security Assurance is Elemental's basic set of features which enables 'out-of-the-box' quick implementation of a baseline security policy. In this basic configuraton ESP is automatically profiling your endpoints and strategic servers on-premise or in the cloud to create target groups for security policy deployment. So that you don't have to do this manually, ESP automatically checks your systems against thousands of technical security configuration and network controls mandated by different insustry benchmarks and standards like NSA, CIS, STIGs and others.

ESP-Compliance Assurance enterprise module adds one or several optional regulatory compliance policy templates enabling a fast deployment and continuous monitoring of security policies pre-mapped after different regulatory frameworks like: HITRUST, HIPAA, SOX, PCI, NIST, etc.

ESMLevels Graph

ESP-Adaptive Security enterprise module brings powerful features to the ESP base platform providing cross-platform policy enforcement to harden endpoint systems and adaptive micro-segmentation to control access to strategic digital resouces by creating logical security zones that travers physical networks in the cloud or on-premise.

ESP-Risk Management combines security compliance monitoring with the third dimension: risk. It automatically and programatically correlates the digital value at risk of all managed hosts with their security compliance level in order to calculate and monitor risk scores for each.

ESP-Extras represent a set of powerful extra features to:

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